Schedule an Interview

Schedule an Interview

Interview Schedule an interview to discuss your future Make an Appointment Book an interview to personally visit the academy and discover all the opportunities that await you. We look forward to a visit dedicated to your artistic talent. Discover Explore the academy and discover our educational offerings. A day dedicated to discovering how to develop…

Open Day at the Academy

Open Day at the Academy

Open Day at the Academy Visit LABA Academy of Rimini Register Registering for the Open Day takes just a few seconds, giving you the opportunity to visit our facilities and discover everything the academy has to offer. Discover Explore the academy and discover our educational offerings. A day dedicated to discovering how to develop your…

Academic Calendar

Inizio delle Lezioni Start of Classes 1st Semester Academic Year 2022/2023 Monday, November 7, 2022 Suspension of Classes Academic Year 2022/2023 3rd Exam and Thesis Session 2021/2022 From February 13, 2023, to March 5, 2023. Start of Classes 2nd Semester Academic Year 2022/2023 Monday, March 6, 2023 End of Classes Academic Year 2022/2023 End of…

Gaia Brandmayr

Gaia Brandmayr

Gaia Brandmayr is a talented seamstress born in Trieste in 1996. From a young age, she cultivated a deep passion for tailoring, which drove her to pursue a career in the fashion industry. After completing high school in the scientific field, she embarked on her academic journey at LABA in November 2016. Through the Fashion…

Institutional Account

Institutional Account

What is it? The institutional account for students and teachers is a dedicated academic email that enables communication among administration, students, and faculty within the academic environment. This account provides access to Microsoft Office A1 services, which include tools such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, allowing users to create, collaborate, and share documents efficiently. Thanks…

Tobia Lughi Montanari

Tobia Lughi Montanari

He began his journey at the Libera Accademia di Belle Arti di Rimini in 2015, specializing in Graphic Design and graduating with honors in 2019. During his course of study, he explored various forms of media, eventually focusing on post-production, particularly on color correction. He obtained certification as a Trainer from Blackmagic Design, learning the…

Matteo Pasini

Matteo Pasini

Matteo Pasini is a professional in the field of interior design. He began his journey at the Free Academy of Fine Arts of Rimini in 2019, specializing in Design. During his three years of study, he developed a great passion for the industry and successfully completed his educational path. After obtaining his first-level academic diploma,…

Virtual Open Days

Virtual Open Days

Virtual Open Days Discover LABA Rimini Virtually Register Registering for the Open Day takes just a few seconds, giving you the opportunity to discover everything the academy has to offer comfortably from home. Discover Join with Meet and discover our educational offerings. A day dedicated to discovering how to develop your artistic potential. Pre-enroll Pre-enroll…